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Say It Ain't So Hollywood - A Tim Russert Movie?

If I believed that there is indeed a God, I'd pray that he/she/it strikes down those insensitive pricks who thought this would be a good idea. Even worse is that the man died JUST less than a month ago! I'm sure they'll butter it up, and package it as some kind of tribute to his life and work, but I won't buy it. This is simply yet another attempt to capitalize on one man and one family's tragedy. The fact that they actually have the balls to announce it so soon after the fact, in the midst of the public and media frenzy that followed Russert's death, and that still lingers on, tells me how devious and calculating the producers of the idea are. Any publicity is good publicity, I suppose... Bleh!


- What took Hollywood so long? Tim Russert died on June 13th and they're only just now announcing plans to make a movie about his life? On July 2nd? Come on, people, that's 19 days. Used to be a movie like that would get announced under a week after the tragedy. Summer must be making everyone lazy.

In any case, we managed to stumble upon a curious casting call on Craigslist which tipped us off to the Russert biopic. The headline reads: "Casting Older Caucasian Woman for Major TV Network Movie." The ad goes on to explain that a "small independent New York based film company is searching for the role of Maureen Orth, the wife of the late Tim Russert. The film will explore the last 24 hours of Russert's life and Golden Globe winner Randy Quaid is set to play the role of Tim Russert."

The rest at DEFAMER.


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