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Barack And Biden Sittin' In A Tree...

So, as I'm sure you've all already heard or read, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Hussein Obama II announced his selection for vice president earlier this morning - an expected choice in Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., senator from Delaware.

Is that a collective yawn I hear...

Given all the build-up and anticipation of who Obama's choice would be, I was expecting, hoping that he'd surprise and excite us with an unexpected, intriguing selection - like maybe a woman, especially after his fallout with Hillary supporters, or someone the caliber and stature of an Al Gore - not Biden.

Biden might be experienced, but he doesn't quite fit Obama's call for a new order... change we can believe in. He's still a member of the "old guard" as far as I'm concerned. But maybe that's what Obama needs to compliment his candidacy. Time will tell.

Now that Obama has shown his cards, it gives McCain a bit of an edge, I think, because he could be thinking the same thing that I'm thinking, and really surprise us with his selection - maybe choose an independent, a woman, or even an African American; unlikely, since Joe Lieberman (the traitor) seems to be the name that's on most lips. But, all eyes will now be watching in anticipation of McCain's eventual pick.

So it goes... it's Obama/Biden in 2008! Get used to it!


  1. The Wendilicious Wonder said...

    I think it's overly optimistic to think that change we can believe in would be an African-American male AND a woman on the same ticket! Come on! That may just be a little bit too much change for America to swallow in one sitting.

    Al Gore would have been cool, but surely there can only be room for one poster boy on any one ticket.

    I think he's chosen wisely, for a politician. His main weakness seems to be lack of experience, both at home and in the global arena. Mr Biden's no new kid on the block and supposedly has good global cred, so that should keep Obama's critics quiet on that front.

    I think the real test of change will come when he chooses his cabinet and white house officials. There, I'd expect to see more change.

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